who's in this category?? considering that i'm one of the not-so-popular-but-still-lots-of-people-know-me-so-i'm-popular-too..haha,im not forever alone..u see,this "forever alone" term is getting popular day by day..me and santi always use this term for those who fit the description of forever alone..there are some people we know who is in forever alone category,which the names will not be revealed..ngiahahaha..(santi,if you read this,u know who,hahaha! what up!) so people.to avoid being in a forever alone category, well,actually i'm not the right person to give advice about this,but one thing for sure, try to be yourself.. if you think that ur attitude is the problem,change a bit la,,don't change too much..people love u for who u are..like me,i don't have to change my attitude, i love being myself..but sometimes,people do change,for the better..i am me! rawk bebeh! BUT SORRY FOR THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE MY JOVIAL-TOO MUCH HAPPY-CHEERFUL-SELAMBA ATTITUDE..i was born with it..*sigh*
so people, u are not forever alone unless u yourself decide to be in that "forever alone" world..im just saying..peace no war!^^
are u forever alone??