Another Story Of My Life

Monday 3 February 2014


Since I escape my jogging routine today coz I am so tired cleaning my room, let’s write then.

I have Acridophobia. What’s an Acridophobia you say? It’s an abnormal fear of grasshoppers and locusts. Now you know. This is my greatest phobia of all. And I seriously mean it. This phobia might kill me anytime soon.

I don’t exactly remember when I developed this phobia. I remember when I was a little kid, I enjoyed catching baby grasshopper with my siblings. Those little little grasshopper is so tiny and cute. But then as I grow up, my grandma and mother used to tell me that grasshopper is a bad omen. It you see one in the house, catch it and kill it coz that’s probably buatan orang. The grasshopper may make you sick or some sort. I’m not sure if it’s true though. You know older people have different thinking and they always exaggerate thing. And I guess it probably influenced me and brainwashed me into thinking that grasshopper is a MONSTER!

I remember one time, I almost black out when I saw this BIG Black-ish ugly grasshopper in front of me. I even cried. Luckily Aldo was with me and I hide behind him all the time. Damn those grasshopper, can fly some more. So big like bird. Damn damn damn. I'm afraid I might grab anyone if I saw it in front of me again. I seriously cannot stand it.

I also afraid of praying mantis. I saw it one time at my house and I run like hell to hide behind my younger brother and forced him to kill it, on the spot. And I laughed crazily after that. My inner serial killer comes out. I don't have problem if it stays at one place, the thing is it can fly. It might fly towards me and I might hurt myself trying to get rid of it. You see how dangerous it is with me?!

My friends’ theory about why I have this phobia is that, grasshopper is green. I don’t eat vegetable which is green. That’s why I hate it. When I think of it, those grasshopper should be thankful to me coz I don’t eat their source of food. Damn this phobia.

They say to cure phobia is to embrace it. You mean embrace those ugly grasshopper, no hell no. Even the thought of it make me shudder. Excuse me, I go vomit now.


Taya hates MONSTER


  1. your english is very nice ^^ i agree with you about insects. creepy little creatures :D

    1. TQ, I'm still learning btw. Forever learning English. :D
      yup, I detest insects so much. creepy indeed!

  2. You express yourself in amazing English


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