Another Story Of My Life

Monday, 6 May 2013

New. Old. New.

Let's just go to sleep, and hope for a better nation tomorrow and after that. And please new (err, old?) government, please, please, please keep your word. Please treat Sabah like how it supposed to be treated. After 5 years, let's meet again. (masa masa begini la menyesal lahir lambat)

#jangan black out lagi suda. Time for exam!!

Good Night Malaysian! 

~taya hopes for a better nation~ xoxo

Sunday, 5 May 2013

PRU 13

Government change or Government stays? Yay or Nay?
Long time ago, people don't even care about these "phantom voters" aka "pengundi hantu".
Nowadays, the people even caught them by their own hand and posted in on Facebook. What a world. And nowadays, Facebook seems more reliable than news on the tv or newspapers.
Whatever happens tomorrow, we are still Malaysian. Let's live in Peace and Harmony shall we?? 

Serangga. Lipas. Hashtag.

This is a schedule post so, yeah.

Serangga, insect. I hate all of it. Even ant. Super duper hate it.
I saw this meme in facebook before, it's about a cockroach, Lipas. There's this little girl with her brother in an elevator when suddenly the little girl saw a Lipas on the floor. The brother said " No worries, I'll protect you lil sis". But suddenly, the Lipas fly towards the brother and he quickly hides behind his lil sis. What I'm trying to say here is that, LIPAS IS NOT SCARY WHEN ITS NOT MOVING, BUT WHEN IT FLIES, YOU BETTER RUN!!!

This is what I kind of do last night

yeah, I put three pictures because one picture is too mainstream.

I encountered this situation last night, or should I say last morning cause it happened at 3.20 am. I was focusing on my laptop when suddenly something flew towards my wall and seriously, it scares the hell out of me. I knew immediately that it was that damn Lipas. I wanted to kill it but it ran away to my roomate's closet so I thought it was okay. As long as the Lipas don't bother me, I wont bother the Lipas too. Fair enough. After I calmed down from that traumatic event, the Lipas flew again towards my bag, then towards my study table, and I knew from that moment I must kill it before anything happen to me. (okay, exaggeration at its best) And so after putting my shield and my sword, which is my blanket and a book, I kill it without hesitation. And for a moment, I feel like I'm in a war and whoever loses will be killed. Of course, I won. Though it such an embarrassing victory.

I was scared to look at it directly, so I took pictures of it and even recorded it to see if its moving or not. 
*slap slap myself, coward*

I'm still in trauma. Every time I feel itchy or something moving on my body, I'll slap my own body. Damn the Lipas, dah mati masih menyusahkan!!!!!

#oh #and #yeah, #don't #you #feel #annoyed #when #people #write #like #this #on #facebook #when #it #doesn't #even #work #on #facebook? I think this comes from Instagram and of course only works on Instagram. Oh, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm nothing but a learner. I don't have instagram and yeah, I don't have smart phone so yes, people who like to use this excessive hashtag is retarded! #Annoying #nak #mampus. oh well, mind my words. Seriously, I don't have smartphone, and for those people out there who keep saying, "zaman sekarang, siapa la yang tiada smartphone?" eh hello, I don't have okay. Don't judge. I bukan kaya macam kamurang. period. 

lots of love
#taya #2013 #hashtag #xoxo


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