Another Story Of My Life

Wednesday 26 October 2011

yes, im cannibal. ada aku kesah?

ok, thats bullshit. im not cannibal, not a human eater too. and yeah, this is my first time ever, using AKU in my entry. i think. ya, im TAMBUNAN SABAHAN, which means I use SAYA as my kata ganti nama yg pertama. but after 1 year 3 months lives in MALAYSIA, ok i mean PERAK. i'd adapted this semenanjung culture. for them AKU is used if they communicate with friends while SAYA is used when communicate or having conversation with someone that is older, like lecturers, teachers, mak cik jual cucur udang, pak cik jual goreng pisang. (correct me if i'm wrong). while in sabah, SAYA is more polite. but it is different in different state. for example, people from sandakan tend to use AKU. but for us TAMBUNAN-IAN, using AKU is like putting urself as a laughing stock. this is serious. and no, my name is not serious. (if u don't get the jokes then u r a loser, ok kidding =P) but sabahan tend to alter this SAYA into much more simpler word. for example, SAYA=SA. same goes to KAU=KO. nice aite?

ok. cut the crap. my intro is out of topic.

ok. once again. no im not cannibal. but i love meat. seriously. this is sudden. yeah i love chicken and fish, but now im totally into beef. mati aku. beef sangat mahal ok. but i think i know why. remember FAMILY OUTING? yeah. because of that. family outing had showed me the delicious-ness of meat. everytime they cooked dinner, mesti ada daging. paling sedap of course, beef. my favourite. hah, dari situla tiba-tiba jadi beef maniac. seriously, if i go to TASNIM (ini gerai makanan), it is a must to order nasi goreng USA. apaka itu? ok, its a nasi goreng with beef and egg and of course with this not-appetizing bawang segala bawang. ewwww~ so the story goes like this, its been 3 days since i last eat rice. sob sob. then tadi tiba-tiba, kelaparan tidak dapat dibendung lagi. nampak maggie macam mau vomit seluruh katil. ok exageration. hujan pun turun dengan lebatnya. and me, dengan bodohnya thought that no one will go out in this kind of weather. so, tunggu tunggu and tunggu. hujan renyai-renyai. with no further ado, grab my money and outing card and also umbrella, keluar alone. the thing is, its 8.00pm and its raining and the distance is not that near. maybe 1.5km-2km? berani kan. ini semua  kerana sya suda jadi kanibal!! ok. bullshit. its just that i want to eat beef. and of course rice. tak kesah la jauh mana, mahal ka, yang penting perut kenyang hati gumbira..yihaaaa..and i posted this in FB, (minta puji) and one of my friend said that, "this is what i call determination". and ya..anda sangat betul. DETERMINATION SAVES LIFE. where to find a brave girl like this. and i end up kena marah santi. ouh, sya minta maaf. i just don't want to trouble people. and talking about that, yes. I HATE PEOPLE YANG HANYA TAHU TO TROUBLE OTHER PEOPLE. get lost loser. boo hooo for yaa.. yes you.

so yeah, bukan. aku bukan la kanibal yang makan human flesh itu. itu sangat jijik dan tidak berperikemanusiaan ok. aku cuma makan daging lembu saja, and ayam, ikan, kambing (kadang-kadang). aku tak makan daging lain selain yang aku sebutkan tadi. oh ada satu. itu aku diam2 la..haha

*i sound stupid using aku. but hey, we are one malaysia!!

ini ialah nasi goreng USA yang aku sanggup jalan ber km km kerana. (direct translation eh?) oh dan daging itu kelihatan sikit, dan telur itu dimasak dengan perfect and of course bawang bawang annoying. price cukup lumayan RM5 per person. ^^

lots of love

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