Things need to be done in 2015.
- Get an A in my last practicum.
- Conquer Mount Kinabalu!
- Increase my exam pointer in last two semester!
- Travel with BFFs.
- Eat anything I want to eat.
- Spend money on those things I couldn't buy before.
- Get to know all my relatives, this time, no awkward gathering.
- Go to places. Any places.
- Ace my Action Research presentation and SPP interview.
Yeah, no more "resolutions" and all those bullshit. No "new year new me" kind of stuff. Just a list of things need to be done, and should be accomplished accordingly. Final year, final chance to do better in my studies. God bless me in whatever I do. I pray to God for everything. I gained one more year to my age. I also hope I gained more wisdom for myself.
To all my friends or anyone out there, I am so sorry if I hurt you in any way. Forgive me, because I am just normal human being and I am not perfect. I forgive those who hurt me physically or mentally. So, lets open new book and start new. Happy New Year 2015.
Happy New year 2015 from me and my family.