Another Story Of My Life

Thursday 19 December 2013

Rant on life: Study early VS Study last minute

Study early will help you get a good result no doubt, but study last minute doesn't necessarily do you bad.  

So I got my exam result last week and I am pretty satisfied with it. Well, very satisfied actually because I never would have guess I’ll get that pointer. Because you see, I am a last-minute-study kind of student. I never study early, even though I really did want to change this habit of studying last minute but it is just words and forgotten soon. The advantage of studying last minute is, well not much, but for me, it helps me to remember information better. Adrenalin rush and stuff help me to memorise fact better. True story bro.

While studying early is better, like few in our class, who study very early and get good result. Always on the top. But there are also few others who study early but --not to sound cocky-- get the same result as mine. I guess the assignments help a lot then.

The question is now, should I keep this habit of studying last minute or change it? I guess the answer is KEEP IT.  I’ll never change anyway.

P/s: Santi, come la we study again together next sem. Our result got better kan. Thumbs up for last minute study! 加油

lots of rant


  1. Haha, bha yala come la study together again next a lot better la jgk haha

  2. haha..bnyak org got better. turun peratus kaini ar?haha

  3. xtau...kali la...tu la rmai yg naik ni pointer, semua exam turun peratus, mcm pmr haha

  4. itulaa..pelik ni..haha ngamla tu..ada can maw tinggi pointer lagi sem nti.


What say you?


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